Mitä on LEGO Serious Play ja mihin se sopii?

Mitä on LEGO Serious Play ja mihin se sopii?

LEGO® Serious Play® -menetelmä on supertehokas fasilitoitu kokous-, kommunikointi- ja ongelmanratkaisuprosessi, jonka salaisuus on “käsillä ajattelussa”. Legopalikat mahdollistavat ajatusten rakentamisen 3D muotoon ja niiden tarkastelun eri näkökulmista. Mallin kautta...
Learning organization as a strategy

Learning organization as a strategy

Think about this for a moment.What would you have done differently if you had been warned about the pandemic of 2020 a few years prior? How would you have prepared, what would you have learned and what measures would you have taken to smooth out the effects of the...