liisa-maija malinen
IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator (CPF), Coach, Certified LEGO® Serious Play® and Online LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator (MSc Econ, BBA)
Liisa-Maija is an accessible professional facilitator and learning design and facilitation coach who excels at creating a warm and open atmosphere in her workshops and coaching sessions.
Her strength is in creating a systemic understanding between participants. She gets inspired by extensive facilitation processes and facilitating equal dialogue and interaction using the LEGO® Serious Play® method, in Finnish and English.
She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Corporate Environmental Management. Responsibility and sustainable development form a big part of her values and expertise.
When Liisa-Maija isn’t busy poking about in the garden or admiring her climbing roses with a cup of tea in one hand, she spends her free time with family and her Finnish Lapphund dog. One of her goals is also to improve her yoga practice and, in particular, perfect the handstand.